Category Archives: Veterinary Medicine

NorthStar VETS Cool Case Parker

Parker is a miniature poodle that presented to NorthStar VETS at 18 weeks of age for urinary incontinence. Cystoscopic laser ablation of intramural ectopic ureters is accomplished via a minimally invasive scoping procedure and ablation of the ureteral wall with a cystoscopically-guided laser fiber. It has been 3 months since Parker’s procedure and her owners were happy to report she was doing great at home. Continue reading

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Advice on Training your Dog

My mantra for living successfully with dogs is MANAGEMENT-ENRICHMENT-EDUCATION. If you are not managing your pet correctly, your efforts to train a dog may be wasted. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS team: Gaemia Tracy, DVM

Gaemia Tracy, DVM is a doctor in the Neurology service at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, he talks about how he got into veterinary medicine, the types of cases he sees, and why he chose to work at NorthStar VETS. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: Shiara Arulpragasam, DVM, CCRP, DACVS

Dr. Shiara Arulpragasam is a Veterinary Surgeon at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about how she got into veterinary medicine, her love of Great Danes, and what she looks for in a great veterinary specialty hospital. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS team: Tammy Anderson, DVM, DACVIM

Dr. Tammy Anderson is a Veterinary Internist at NorthStar VETS. In this video, she talks about how she got into veterinary medicine, the types of things she does for pets, and the words her mother said to her that changed her life. Continue reading

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Signs That Your Pet Needs Immediate Care

Your pet may require emergency care due to trauma from an accident or fall, for example, or other life-threatening situations such as illness, choking, heatstroke, an insect sting, or poisoning. Continue reading

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How to Shop for Pet Insurance

Good pet insurance gives you peace of mind. Yet, there are so many types of pet insurance, how do you choose? Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: Kristina Vygantas, DVM, DACVO

Dr. Kristina Vygantas is a Veterinary Ophthalmologist at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about how she got into veterinary medicine, the kinds of things she does most commonly for pets and one of her favorite cases…Snow Leopards! Continue reading

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Ask the NorthStar VETS Vet: Zika and Heartworm Disease

Some pet owners are curious about how the Zika virus may affect them and their pets. While there is still much for health scientists to learn on that front, we DO know that heartworms are another mosquito-borne disease affecting pets across the US. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS team: Lauren Higgins, DVM

Dr. Lauren Higgins is an emergency veterinarian at NorthStar VETS. In this video, she talks about how she got into veterinary medicine and the kinds of things she does most commonly for pets. Continue reading

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