Author Archives: admin2

Pulmonic Stenosis and Balloon Valvuloplasty in Dogs

Daisy is a 10-month-old, female English bulldog who was diagnosed with severe congenital heart disease called pulmonic stenosis. This condition can lead to congestive heart failure and a poor long-term prognosis if left untreated. Continue reading

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VIP Brings Hope and Healing to Malawi this Summer

In July, NorthStar VETS sent its Theriogenologist, Dr. Manoel Tamassia, to Malawi, Africa, to work with farmers and their livestock. Continue reading

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Brachycephalic Syndrome in Dogs

We suspected DJ had brachycephalic syndrome causing upper airway blockage based on his breed and physical exam, which is common in Bulldogs and other brachycephalic dogs. Continue reading

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The Story of Oliver

After being here for more than a month, he started becoming a part of the family with his sweet temperament and affectionate nature. Many of us got attached to this adorable cat with an amazing personality, so we decided to treat him extensively for the problems he had. After much pleading from the entire staff, our Chief of Staff, Dr. Stobie, agreed to let us keep Oliver as a hospital cat and become the new mascot for NorthStar VETS. Continue reading

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Ask the NorthStar VETS Vet: Heart Murmurs in Dogs and Cats

My pet has a heart murmur – what does this mean? A heart murmur is one of several types of abnormal sounds your veterinarian can hear when listening to your pet’s heart with a stethoscope. Normally, two distinct sounds are … Continue reading

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Dogs and Children Bond at Best Friends Bash

Last week marked the third annual Best Friends Bash. The magic continues to be palpable and the dogs continue to brighten the room! And it looks like the Best Friends Bash will go national in the near future. Another example of the healing power of pets! Continue reading

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4 Oncology cases that make this veterinarian love her job

I often get asked why I practice Oncology, and there are two reasons. One is that I can often extend good quality of life for longer than most clients realize. And the second reason is that I get to know my clients well and develop a relationship with them. These four cases show how creative thinking can help me do both for my patients. Continue reading

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Breathing Issues in Cats

We often get questions from our clients about how to tell if your cat is breathing alright or not. On this blog, I have attached two videos of my cats having trouble breathing (dyspnea) for two different reasons. Continue reading

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Like a Needle in a Haystack

She initially presented to her family veterinarian two weeks prior when the swelling was first noticed by her owner. Her family veterinarian took X-rays of her neck where the swelling was most prominent. The X-rays revealed evidence of a needle foreign body located deep within the structures of the cervical neck. Continue reading

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No Cone of Shame Campaign

E-collars, a medical safety device, are a part of life for dogs and cats undergoing certain procedures here at our hospital. But this month, we’re giving you a chance to turn the “cone of shame” into something beautiful or clever … Continue reading

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