Author Archives: admin2

Watch out for these holiday threats to your pets

By knowing what the biggest holiday threats are and taking some time to create a safer environment for your pet, you can avoid a potentially life-threatening situation for your pet. As always, be prepared and know where your nearest veterinary emergency hospital is and how to get there, and have their phone number programmed into your phone or posted on your refrigerator. Continue reading

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Local Veterinarian Runs Animal Shelter in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

The scene is a little bit chaotic. All around this post-Hurricane Sandy animal shelter, set up in a gymnasium at a church in Burlington Township, people come by to visit with their pets, while others come through the gym to … Continue reading

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Burlington County CART names NorthStar VETS as designated veterinary emergency care facility

If the need arises, the Burlington County CART will refer any emergent care cases to NorthStar VETS from its evacuation center. For more information including evacuation preparedness with your pet, please see the CART Facebook page. Continue reading

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Chocolate toxicity in pets

With Halloween approaching, the criticalists at NorthStar VETS thought this would be a good time to pool their collective experiences and offer some suggestions for managing dogs that ingest chocolate. The tips and points provided below are as much based on their experiences in various settings treating many affected dogs, as what may be found in texts and citations. With that, they hope some of the information below will be helpful to you. Continue reading

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