Author Archives: admin2

Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: John Lewis, VMD, FAVD, DAVDC

John Lewis, VMD, FAVD, DAVDC is a doctor in the Dentistry and Oral Surgery service at NorthStar VETS. In this video, he talks about his education in veterinary medicine, the types of cases he sees, and what he loves most about NorthStar VETS. Continue reading

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NorthStar VETS Cool Case Manning

We are learning both in human and veterinary medicine that it is possible to live with cancer rather than trying to get rid of it. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: Laurie Bergman, VMD, DACVB

Laurie Bergman, VMD, DACVB is a doctor in the Behavior service at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about why her specialty relates so closely to the human-animal bond, the most common types of cases … Continue reading

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Anxiety-Based Aggression Among Dogs at Home

When Duchess and Bambi first came to see me, they were still recovering from their last fight. That fight was especially scary because it happened at night, in the dark. Continue reading

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Oliver’s Diagnosis

We wanted to let you know what is going on with our handsome little boy. This week, Oliver was diagnosed with lymphoma in his gastrointestinal tract. Although the news is sad, this particular cancer can be treated, and many cats live a long and happy life, despite the disease. Continue reading

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Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a microscopic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The organism exist in in the intestinal tract of cats and in the tissues of many rodents and animals raised for human food. Continue reading

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Noise Phobias in Pets

The most important thing in helping these dogs is to speak to your veterinarian or schedule a behavior consult sooner rather than later. Waiting until July 3rd or the day that our first really big summer storm is forecast may be too late. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: Barbara Maton, DVM, DACVECC

Barbara Maton, DVM, DACVECC is a doctor in the Emergency and Critical Care service at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about how her love of animals goes back to childhood, and how Critical Care includes many of the other specialties at NorthStar VETS. Continue reading

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From the Client Perspective: My Dogs are Blood Donors

I regularly bring my dogs to NorthStar VETS to donate to their canine and feline blood bank, and my three greyhounds were in recently for their donation. The blood bank utilizes healthy dogs and cats who can help less fortunate animals by donating blood. Continue reading

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Leash Reactivity in Dogs

Leash reactivity is a very common reason dogs come to see a Veterinary Behaviorist. This term can cover dogs like Ivan who are just very excited and having a hard time controlling themselves, to dogs who are truly dangerous to other dogs or people. Continue reading

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