Category Archives: Veterinary Medicine

Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: Vincent Patanio, DVM

Dr. Vincent Patanio is a member of the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care team at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, he talks about how he got into veterinary medicine, the kinds of cases he sees and how his interactions with clients make him a better doctor every day. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS Team: Kate Kerrigan, DVM, MS, DACVR

Dr. Kate Kerrigan is a member of the Veterinary Radiology team at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about her decision to go into veterinary medicine, how Radiologists fit into the overall team caring for … Continue reading

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Flow Cytometry vs PARR

If you need to confirm neoplasia, then PARR is preferred because it can not only determine if a neoplastic population is present but also provide phenotype. The other instance PARR is preferred is when you have dead tissue (ie. lymph node cytology slides). Flow cytometry is especially helpful in distinguishing among the various types of leukemia in patients with a lymphocytosis. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS team: Heather Knapp-Hoch, DVM, MS, DACVS

Dr. Heather Knapp-Hoch is a member of the Veterinary Surgery team at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about her education, the types of surgeries in which she specializes, and why NorthStar VETS is at the same level as the nation’s top academic veterinary specialty hospitals. Continue reading

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What you Need to Know about Dog Flu

You can get the flu, but did you know your dog can as well? It’s called canine influenza (CIV) – or dog flu – and cases of it have been popping up all over the country. Continue reading

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Meet the NorthStar VETS team: Jennifer Kim, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology)

Dr. Jennifer Kim is a member of the Veterinary Oncology team at NorthStar VETS. In this blog post and video below, she talks about how she got into veterinary medicine, what veterinary oncology is about, and the words from a client that keep her going. Continue reading

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NorthStar VETS Cool Case Fiona

Fiona presented to the Surgery team in Robbinsville in January as a 5-month-old female intact Boxer with a right forelimb angular limb deformity. She had an abnormal curvature of the right radius and ulna which was causing her limb to curve to the inside (carpal varus). She also had a shortened right forelimb due to the premature closure of her distal medial radial growth plate. Continue reading

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NorthStar VETS Cool Case Buster

Buster is a 1-year-old boxer puppy who jumped over a fence and unfortunately landed incorrectly on his hind leg. He sustained a fracture to his tibia and fibula. He came to see us for a consultation regarding fracture repair. Continue reading

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NorthStar VETS Cool Case Patches

Patches presented to the NorthStar VETS Emergency service with unknown trauma presumed to be a hit by car case. The one-year-old spayed female cat sustained chest trauma and a fracture of the left olecranon. Continue reading

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NorthStar VETS Cool Case Casey

Casey was an 8-year-old Labrador Retriever that presented to NorthStar VETS late one morning after her owner found her laying on her side and minimally responsive after consuming a bottle of medication. Dr. Berkowitz of the Emergency and Critical Care team, opted to try a novel therapy of giving her intravenous lipid emulsion. Continue reading

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